San Diego Land & Town Co. Addn Block 188 Card #1
SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 188 CARD #1.tif SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDITION BLOCK.188 w of Lot 28 & Lots 29 to 35 incl- Permit DENIED to Interstate Bakeries Co. and Weber Baking Co., to make an addn to exist bakery at 1955-1973 Julian Ave. Res #657 7-6-44 w of Lot 28 & Lots 29-35 inc. Conditional permit to Interstate Bakerfes Corp. and Weber Baking Co., to make an addn to and exist bakery at 1955-1973, Julian Ave. with no setback from Julian Ave. Res. #675 &; 676 8-3-44-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- w of Lot 28 & Lots 29 to 35 inc- AMENDS ABOVE- Interstate Bakeries Corp.,;& Weber Baking Co., make addn to exist bakery at 1955-1973 Julian Ave., with no sideyard, lOc:1, coverage & a rear yard of 10' subject to conditions. Res. #707 8-17-44 Swly 46' of Lots 25,26,27, and the SWly 46 1 of the SEly of Lot 28-Permit to J.W. Martini, owner and Interstate Baking Corporation, Owner and lessee, to use prop for off- street parking of bakery trucks and to constr. a cement slab and drain on the por of lots 27 & 28, at the rear of 1983 and 1993 Julian Ave. Res #2246 5-8-47 Lot 27 & E of 28- Permit to Interstate Bakeries Corp to build and operate park lot for Co, trucks at 1983 Julian Ave. Condt. Res. #6131 1-23-52 Lots 36 & 37- Permit to Lexc Fort, owner and Interstate Bakeries Corp. purch to erect addn to bakery exist with O' side yard, 10' rear yd & lOc:1, cover at 1947 Julian Ave. Also to permit a zero setback- 1947 Julian Ave. Res. #7399 5-13-53