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Development Services

San Diego Land & Town Co. Addn Block 176

SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 176.tif SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO ADDITION BLOCK 176 Permit to H. L. Halbritter to constr 7 unit trailer camp on rots 1-4 provided camp is built and landscaped according to plans approved by PC. Res.#74067 5-6-41 Lots 15-16- Permit to Benj & Andrea Rios to alter and repair interior only of exist duplex, approx 3' sideyard & 5'5"" access court at 2060 Logan Res. #4202 10-5-49------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 23-24- Permit DENIED to Harry F, Eliz & Myrtle C. Roberts to convert an exist apt into 2 apts, making 6 liv units where 5 exist, 2nd floor of bldg O' sideyard at 2092-2094-2096 Logan Res. #5012 9-20-50 Lots 23-24- APPEAL filed on ABOVE, sustained and permit granted to Harry F, Eliz & Myrtle c. Roberts to convert exist apt into 2 total 6 liv units, 2nd floor O' sideyard, cond. Res. #99925 10-19-50