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Development Services

San Diego Land & Town Co. Addn Block 143 Card 1

SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 143 CARD 1.tif SAN DIEGO LAND AND TOWN CO. ADDITION BLOCK 143 ~ \" CARD Ill Lots 37 & 38- Permit to Frank;Maio to constr 18 1 x 30' addn to exist store and res with no sideyard for add at 2141 Logan Avenue. condl. Res #2363 7-2-4'F Lots 37-38- Permit to Julia and Frank Maio to constr duplex at rear of 2141-43:Logan Ave: making total of 4 living units and 2 stores on the property, providing an 8 1 access court See resolation for conditions. Res #3593 12-1-48 Lots 37-38- Amendment to Res 3593 granted to Julia and Frank Maio to permit a 6 1 access zm court. Condl. Res. #3623 12-15-48 Lots 23 & 24- ZA considered request of JULIA OLIVARES- 1) to constr. an 855 sq. ft. addn. to an existing restaurant, with an 11 1 wide portion of the addn to obs a 0' front yd on National Ave. where a 5 1 front yd is reqd; 2) to provide two on-street parking spaces to satisfy parking requirements for new construction at 2194 National Ave., Zone BLPD- Sub. "A" has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED the 1) construction of an 855 sq. ft. addn to an existing restaurant; & 2) to provide 2 on-street parking spaces to satisfy parking require- ments for new constr,, subj to cond. C-18531 8/17/85 APPEALED to BAZ on 10/17/84, BZA overruled ZA's decision & APPROVED the appeal as submitted with cond.