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Development Services

San Diego Homestead Union Block 77

SAN DIEGO HOMESTEAD UNION BLOCK 77.tif SAN DIEOO HOMESTEAD UNION BLOCK 77 Lot 5- Permit to Earl & Vina Lambert to const 61 hi retain wall obs O' SB on 35th St. (Avg of blk 11' req) also to const 3' hi chain link fence on top of wall on said lot at 29 So. 35th St., S. of Gillette St., Zone R-4. C-3993 4-3-61-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4- Permit to Earl Lambert to erect 47' of 8' high retaining wall obs a 01 front yard where a max 3' high wall is permitted in a 15' front yard, at 21 So. 35th Street between Gillett and Durant S,.treets, Zone R-4- Cond'l c-12,459 N.H. 2-19-74