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San Carlos Unit N0.10

SAN CARLOS UNIT N0.10.tif SAN CARLOS UNIT NO. 10__,,Por. Lot 732- Z.A. considered app or M.A. Strin, owner, & A. R. Wylie, lessee, to maintain for a period of one yr, one sing-faced, 61 x 10', post mounted directional sign advert "Lakeridge Homes"; per legal on file, on Lake Murray Blvd., E side 300 1 to 4001 So of Navajo Rd., Zone R-4, and has DENIED the request but APPROVED the sign tor a period of 4 mos, Cond 1l (7/ffJt.,. 1-1-1.,q) Case No. 8875 8-30-68--L;t-72a:-p;;;it-t;-Sid;;;;Aii;~;L;;~;;;;-;;;;;t'~;;;;t;-,~-;-s~-;;~-ht-i4'2"____ interior illuminated, post mounted, plastic, double-faced ID sign obs 6 1 SB on Lake Murray Blvd. wnere 15' is estab at 8611 Lake Murray Blvd. betw Lynnnaven Lane & Lake Arrowhead Dr., Zone R-4, condl C-9565 N,H. 10-27-69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lota 731 Ii 732- Permit to San Diego Investments to maintain tnree 7'x 8 1 x 12' tiign, single-faced, lighted I.D. signs were max 20 sq. f't. total sign area and max 8 1 height is perm.; ign on Bavajo Road to obs 14' SB Where 15' is ea tab, and one of two s igna on Lake Murray Blvd to obs 13'9" SB where 15' is estab; Lake Murray Bouleva~bween Iqno.b.ll~en Lane.IIJIC'I Bavajo Roa4~ zone R:-3.,,, cQ.Dd'l--~ d. / C-lll.oJ4."c'..tP,4:-l-17 3-30-12 ~---w-~.1;..2d..1..;.J/1;;J...ti.:~.,..Jlt"._,,_.t_4: L--.JJ:.1..,:Z:l.Z.L.Y.&-.:{;Q._~_'i::.i;...7..'-i.:1-.;J~;;..l.) Parcel A- Permit to San Diego Investments to erect approx 10' of cone block ret wall ranging in nt from 3' to 4' obs at closest point an 8 1 SB where a max 3' hign wall is perm in a 15' estab SB, at 8800 Block of Navajo Road betw Jaffe Court and Fanita Dr. Zone R-3 Cond'l. C-11782 N.H. 2-5-73