San Carlos Unit # 8 Card #2
SAN CARLOS UNIT # 8 CARD #2.tif SAN C.ARLOO UNIT #8 Lot 627- Permit above to const sin fam res with attach gar, por 2' into req 5' sideyd (max 1 1-3" perm) Topaz Lake Ave betwn Cowles R-1 Zone. C-4613 N.H. eaves on Wly side proj. Mtn filvd & Twin Lake Dr 12-14-61 Lot 630- Permit above to const sin fam res with attach gar, par eaves on Wly side proj 2 1 into req 5' sideyd (max 1-'3" perm) Topaz Lake Ave., betwn Cowles Mtn BJ,vd. & Twin Lake Dr., R-1 Zone. C-4614 12-14-61 Lot 632- Permit to Tavares Development Co., a Div of Sunset Intern'l Petroleum Copr. to const sin fam res with attach gar, por eaves on Wly side proj 2' into 51 sideyd (max l'-3" perm) Topaz Lake Ave, Betwn Cowles Mtn filvd. & Twin Lake Dr., R-1 Zone. C-4615 N.H. 12-14-61 Lot 636- Permit to above to canst sin fam res with at:tach gar, por eaves on Wly side proj 2 1 into req 5' sideyd {max l'-3" perm) Topaz Lake Ave, betwn Cowles Mtn Blvd & Twin Lake Dr., R-1 Zone. C-4616 N,H. 12-14-61 Lot 639- Request granted Tavares Devl. Co., Div. of Sunset Int. Petr. Copr. to const. sin fam res with attach gar, obs 12 1 SB with dwell; 10'-9" SB with fireplace on Twin Lake Dr. (15 1 SB is estab. on Lot 639 San Carlos #8 on Topaz Lake Ave., NE cor. Twin Lake Dr. & Topaz Lake Ave., Zone R-1. C-4604 12-15-61-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 622- z.A. consd. Eugene & Mildred F. Harrison's amend application to erect 5' high concrete blk wall obs 6 1 SB on Cowles Mtn Blvd. where 15' SB is estab. at 79o6 Topaz Lake Ave,NE car Topaz Lake Ave & Cowles Mtn filvd. Zone R-1 and has DENIED the 5' high concrete