San Carlos N0. 6 Card #1
SAN CARLOS N0. 6 CARD #1.tif j J SAN CARLOO NO. 6 Lots 417,489,490- Permit to Sunset International Petroleum Corp to complete const sin fam rea on each lot & use for model homes; to use gar on Lot 417 for tract sales office; to erect & maintain one 4 1x8 1 unlited advert sign on each lot; & erect & maintain one 12" x 18" unlited model identify sign on each lot, for l yr, Cowles M:> untain Rd. & Lake Adlon Dr. also Lot 413- R-1 Zone. C-3610 N.H. 10-4-60------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 417- Permit to Tavares Develop 20 1 x 37' off. bldg. for tract real of SB and one 4x8 1 sign painted on R-1, to Expire 10-31-61- Cond'l Co., a Div. of Sunset Inter. Petroleum Corp, to move estate off, with one 6x8 1 free-standing sign back face of bldg, NW cor Cowles Mtn Rd & Lake Adlon Dr, C-3665 N.H. 10-28-60 Lot 418- Permit to Tavares Developnent Co. to move off bldg. from rear of Adrian & Bob Sts. (Loma Palisades Apts) to 6402 Cowles Mtn. Rd. HM 3603 10-31-60 Lot430- Permit to Robt J & Mildred S. Radel to constr concr blk wall 5 1 high obs 61 611 SB Cowles Mtn Rd. 7901 Lake Andrita Ave. C-4130 6-1-61 Lot 450- ZA. considered app of J.M. & Susan Burgert to maintain solid bd fe:tlce ranging in ht. from 7'-3" at front to 2'-10", obs 7 1-611 SB from Lake Adlon where max 2 1 6" high fence is perm in req 15 1 SB at 6393 Lake Dora Avd., cor Lake Adlon Dr., Zone R-1 and has DENIED req 7'-3" high fence, but APPROVED a 5' high fence.- Cond 11. c-5576 6-12-63