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Development Services

San Carlos Fed-Mart Tract Card #1

SAN CARLOS FED-MART TRACT CARD #1.tif r> Lot l- Permit to Kim Realty, Inc, Owner and R & R l"inancial, Lessee to develop portion property as a pre-scllool Dlll'8ery tor 72 students, ages two to six, five days a week trail' 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., vnere retail ccaaercial use primaril,y are pena at 87()0 Block, BavaJo Road, betv Lake Mu.r~ Boulevard and Fanita Dr, Zone CA. Coad 'l. C-10919 2-22-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot I- Permit to Fed Marf,Owner & Picnic N' Chicken, Lessee to erect two menu board signs; one 7'4" and 29.75 sq. ft. & one 7'6" high & 30 sq. ft. where max 37 1/2 sq. ft. gr sign is perm, 8865 lake Murray Blvd, Zone CA-S. C-13346 11-18-75 Lot I- Permit APPROVED by ZA to FEDERATED DEPARTMENT STORES, INC, DBA RALPH'S GROCERY COMPANY to construct a 75 sq, ft., 30' high ground identification sign, fronting on Navajo Road, where three ground signs exist, resulting in total square footage of 309, where a maximum of 37.5 sq. ft,, 20' high ground sign is permitted for any street frontage. (Existing Fedmart sign to be removed, but one pole to be utilized, located at 8788 Navajo Road, Zone CA-S. Conditlons. c-18016 5-27-83 Lot 1- ZA APPROVED request of SAN CARLOS ASSOCIATION c/o HOPKINS DEVELOPMENT CO. to provide no wall where a minimum 6' high wall is reqd.; 1) along all portions of the perimeter of the premises that abut residentially zoned property; & 2) whenever parking reas containing 5 or more spaces adjoined residentially zoned property along the interior side property line, located at 8744 Navajo Rd., CA zone, with conds. C-197O8 9/4/87