San Carlos Estates N0.10 Card# 1
SAN CARLOS ESTATES N0.10 CARD# 1.tif SAN CARLOS ESTATES NO. 10 l Card #1 Lots J66,:.,68, & 388- Permit to Drogin Homes, L,c. to const sing fa.":l res on each lot to be used as model homes with sales office in gar on Lot 366- a 2 1 x 61 double faced, free standing, 6 1 high sign advertising homes ii; San Carlos l:sts No. 10, a new subd., for sale, at Cypresc; Point rld,, NE corner rlancho Park Dr. & C,ypress Point il.d.,,5-1-5 Zone, condl. / Case No. 6645 8-5-64 1~ Lot 368- Permit to Jerry A. & Sally V. Krasne to erect approx 80 1 of 5' high grlllJestake fence encroaching from 8 1 at the South property line to 0 1 into established 12' SB, at 6483 Rancho Park Dr. Southwest corner Rancho Park Dr. and Cypress Point Rd., Zone R-1-5, Cond Case No. 7703 5-1)-66 Lot 385- Permit DENIED to San Diego Federal Savings & Loan As.soc to const sing fam dwell encro 21 into req 20 1 rear yd (split level dwell), at 6484 Rancho Park Dr. betw Cypress Pt. Rd. & Pasatiempo Ave., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8267 N.H. 8-7-67--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 389- Permit to San Diego ~'ederal Savings & Loan Assoc. to const sing fam dwell encro 4' into req 20 1 rear yd (split level dwell), at~ Rancho Park Dr. betw C:,,press Ft. rl.d. & Pa.satiempo Ave., Zone R-1-5. See Agreement No. 1494 Case No. 8268 8-7-67------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot J72- Guy E. & Dorothy A. Hatfield to const two-level sing fam res with bar sing in fam rm on lower level, b42'/ "{ancho Fark Dr.,.C:one J:i-1-5. Agreement 1fo. 152j {l l(