San Carlos #9, Resub #2
SAN CARLOS #9, RESUB #2.tif SAN CARLOS #9, RESUB. lf2. Lot 5- Perm.1 t to SWan Constructors, Inc. to erect one free:.lstand 8' x 20' dble-faced un- li ted sign ident:l:fying "San Carlos Greens"- overall I:; 18' where max 20 sq. f't. area and 81 ht is perm and to exist 41 x 81 sign to be'located near the entrance in the 7800 blk of' Navajo Rd. betw Golf'crest Dr and Cowles Mt. Blvd., Zone R-2A. Cond 1 1. ext time II II II II II II to exp 9-16-72 (11-18-71 II II 91673 (9-872) II II 916-74 (12-573) II II 91675 (10174)-r-. h n,Q-10077;') 9-1670 q-t~ t.-0-"'-1t 'J-;,- 1 t.t12-~1-1s