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Development Services

San Carlos #4 Card #4

SAN CARLOS #4 CARD #4.tif.-.. ~ SAN CARLOS #4 ~,.Card #! 'Lot 379- Permit to Manuel J. & Joanne Silva to const a fam rm addn to dwell; addn to obs 14' rear yd, at 8422 Bashan Lake Ave., Zone R-1-5. c-15756 extg sgle-fam Condit. 3/5/79 Lot 119- Permit to James Brigham at 8181 Mission Gorge Rd Zone CN. to erect 260' of 5'4" high retaining wal I obs at cl pt O' str side yd on Mission Gorge Rd. Condit. C-16237 7/26/79 Lot 406- AGREEMENT to Timothy A. & Bernice M. PHARISS to convert garage to family room and add a bar sink in the dark room, at 8461 Bashan Lake Avenue, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2487 8-31-79 Lot 335- AGREEMENT to FRED MCFARLANE to convert an existing garage to family room and construct two bedrooms and bath above with outside entrance attached to existing single- family dwelling, at 8~35 Lake Ben Avenue, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2868 11-16-82 Lot 316- Agreement to Robert and Susan Iafe to construct a two-bedroom addition to an existing single-family home at 8366 Lake Ben Avenue. Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #A-4441 10-23-89