San Carlos #4 Card #2
SAN CARLOS #4 CARD #2.tif SAN CARLOS #4 CARD #21 Lot 331- Permit to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D, Sexauer to maintain and complete constr of patio addn to exist dwell with access thereto; patio addn obs 7'-10" rearyd where 20' is req, at 8385 Lake Ben Ave., Zone R-1. Cond'l. c-4912 5-25-62 Lot 357- Permit granted to Arthur L. and Yvonne M, Angulo to maintain exist 4 1 hi concrete blk wall on s. prop line obs 10'-8" SB from Boulder Lake Ave and to erect new 4' hi concrete blk wall obs 10'-8" SB from Boulder Lake Ave. ext. Nly at 90 degree angle to exist wall 24' wnere max 3' hi wall perm in req 15' SB, at 8303 Lake Gaby Ave., SE cor Boulder Lake Ave., Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. c-6554 6-25-64 Lot 33 Por- Permit to Dr. J. G. Szekeres to constr and operate a small animal hospital on Lake Murray Blvd. betw Navajo Rd. and San Carlos Dr., Zone C-lA. Cond'l. CUP case No. 146-PC 7-13-67 Lot 388- Fermi t to Richard H.;and Nanch J. Stang to construct a 15' x 15 1611 two bedroom, two story addn to exist 1 story sin fam dwell, addn to obs 18 1 rear yd, wnere 20' is req at 8322 Bashan Lake Ave. betw Boulder Lake and Bisby Lake Ave. R-1-5 Zone C-9231 N.H. 4-3-69 Lot 351- Permit to Walter M, and Ottilie O'Haver to convert exist gar to fam room with fireplace; fireplace to obs a 10' front yd where 12' is estab; at 8354 Lake Gab~ Ave. betw Boulder Lake Ave and Bisby Lake Ave. Zone R-1-5. cond'l. C-10428 N.H. 4-14-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------