San Carlos #1 Card#1
SAN CARLOS #1 CARD#1.tif 10 Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Karl N. & Janette R. Sturckow to const addns to prof. & medical bldg located in RP zone (Lot 16) projecting into R-1 zone (Lot 15) & use the balance of Lot 15 for parking in connection therewith on Lots 15 & 16, at 6280 Jackson Dr. betw Lake Murray Blvd. & Blue Lake Dr., Zones RP (Lot 16) R-1 (Lot 15), condl c-4855 4-27-62------------------ '.,,---___-------------------------------------------~-------------- Lot 56- Permit to-1.eo-P-ea'f'lston--to-er.eci;___~ 10' hi masonry wall obitAtiae & rear yd req in SEly par of lot; area betw dwell & wall u:i~filled to!!-llgt-of 9' resulting in wall 10' hi where max 8' high wall is perm at---., 5()0' N of Elmhurst Dr., Zone R-1-10, conc11 ~-;::..,.__________,__ t:;t;Ji;,:,Jt______ ... c~~-4-7-64____________ Lot 1- To Aguilla G. Dibrell to remove exist fence & erect approx 35' of 6 1 hi grapestake encroach from O' to 10' into estab 10' SB on Jackson Dr. at 8395 Blue Lake Dr., Zone R-l-5. C-8166 6-8-67 Lot- 13---Z.A.- has- considered-tne-req of-Glenn-and-Joyce-Simpson-to erect-481 of-b'-high-- wall obs 9 1 SB with 2' of 7' high buttress wall obs 6 1 SB where 'max 3' wall is perm in estab 15' SB, at 8382 Blue Lake Dr betw Jackson Dr and Lake Murray R-L-5. has DENIED the req as submitted but APPROVED a 13' SB for a 6 1 high wall with base of buttress to obs 10'6" front yard where 15' is req. C-10668 N.H. 1-21-n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L_