S24 T14s,R4w Card 1
S24 T14S,R4W CARD 1.tif S24 T14S R4W (NWt NE) DBiUXD Per- Permit to Cal Park Bldg Co. (as amended) to develop & use the property for a period of one yr as tract sales office & parking lot in connection with the development and sale office & parking lot in connection with the development & sale of Del Mar Hills Subd 9 & 10 located adj to the south with the sales office oba a 10' front yd where 15' is req & with one 32 sq ft dble-faced, post-mounted, unlighted ID sign on lot north of J3705 Mango Dr. app~o:is_ 120' north of Cordero Rd. & Mango, per legal on file condl (ll-~o-?A./:o~t!}-(L.'),,,,Jd, C-9391 7-25-69 i> ~~--:.-~~;-fu7fr.1to~-~J-~1a;r~ii1=-t~~~r-~~~~;e~ali~-\tinned residential dev located on tne north side of Carmel Valley Rd betw Pacific Coast Higtiwav and Interstate 5 PRD #14 5-26-71---------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Pardee Construction Co. to constr and operate a P.R.D, located betv Interstate 5 and Portotino Dr south ot Del Mar Heights Rd. ~,,_/4,-d.-- J,,,1.. 0_ 71_ [l,,y~,,,.,_..,.te-z{_,,__ ~_- <-. PRD #kit!,l- 6-15-71___________________________________ f__ t_z_____________________________________________ C'- 'ic-J 9,1__ #_,t,t:.15.:___ r'lb j.v;-?? (;}/;'71._) Portion of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4- Permit GRANTED to HENEGAR HOMES, INC., a California Corporation, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Residential Development located south of Mira Montana Drive between Del Mar Heights Elementary School and Calais Drive, Zone R-1-15 (Portion HR). PRD #20-219-0 7-29-81 (1-18-82)