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S. Gurwell Heights Block 3

S. GURWELL HEIGHTS BLOCK 3.tif S. GURwELL HEIGHTS BLOCK 3 Block 3, Lots 12 c.: 13- Setback suapension- E .2:.::erritt. Res. i 41376 4/18/27 Lots 11-13- Permit to r,ector C.,c;. Zdna I.. Ccrdova to ccnv 2-stcry nou;;e intc 3 liv units & to cor;s l acidn 11 gar as an ctddn to an eYist garage, exist gar having an 8 1 re5.ryd, at 3047 ~uincE;::i_t.- Cond'l. Res.!5469 4/lc/51 Lots 16, 17 L E! of 18- F ermit to,Vllph &,tuth;{ to ccm;t 2 uup. in fr por, 3033}uince St., cone: 11. J.e3. 1/5963 ll/~y'.5_~________... -__... Lots 33 & 34- DENIED req of Rose Ann Rogers to erect 80' of sol id wood fence 4 1 hi obs 0 1 front yd where max 3' hi fence perm in 15' front yd;- Map 992, 3036 Palm St betw 30th St & 31st St, Zone R-2. Case No. 11717 1-4-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 11-13- Hector O & Edna Cordova to conv exist 2-story house into 3 liv units & to const I addn gar and addn to exist gar which obs 8' rearyd AiREE # 722 4-21-51---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------