Roseville Heights Block 2
ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS BLOCK 2.tif ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS, Lots 1-4 Lots 37-40,st Lots37 through 40 Lot 13 Block 2 Permit to Griffith Co. to erect two dwlgs at Hill & Bangor- SW Vale- mont. R-1 Res 68606 12-6-38 Permit to above to erect two dwlgs at Ullman & Bangor, NW R-1 Res. 68607 12-6-38 Permit to Walter Broderick to constr 18' x 20' cov patio addn to the gar por of res w/0' RY, access bldg not 70 1 back, 3410 Ullman St. Agreement #844 w/Fred R \;he exist gar, gar 18 13" to aonfem to 4' BX Res 8371 7-21-54 Cook to erect rumpus or guest rm & bath abov, wide without req 4 1 SY but will be altered 6 JZzlili Lots 5 & 6- Permit APPROVED by A2A to DOUGLAS.A. MATHESON to maintain stairway observing a 12' front yard where 15' is required, at 3421 Valemont Street, Zone Condition. 5 1 high R-1-5. c-16953 9-14-80 Lots 29 & 30- AGREEMENT with Robert Kolesar to maintain 220 sq. ft. accessory structure with shower & sink only, observing a l '2" side yard and completely separate from principal use at 3444 Ullman Street, zone Rl-5000. AGREE. #3516 6/24/86