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Development Services

Roseville Heights Block 14

ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS BLOCK 14.tif Lots 10-17 Lots 14-17 incl. " " Lots 9-13 incl. Block i4 Permit to Anglo-Calif. Bk. by T, N. Faulconer to replat lots intwo 4 58' x 100 1 parcels w/15' SB on Silvergate & 5' SB on John & Jennings Sts. Res. 74919 8-19-41 CUP to Ge~. Klicka, Jr. & Seph & Stephanie E. Avoyer to divide prop into 2 bldg sites at cor of Jennings & Albion Sts to permit 2 sgle tam res. Res.. 1791 9-26-46 Permit to above to maint 5' SB on Jennings St at cor of Jennings & Albion. Res. 1792 9-26-46 Permit to Phillip C. & M. Lucille Nyhus & Wm. P. & Margery H. Sloan to divide lots intwo 2 bldg. sites facing Albion St & constr sgle fam res on ea, subj to SB reqs, Albion & John Sts. Res. 2874 2-11-48 N 58'., Lots 9-13 inc. Fermi t to Wm. P. & Margery Sloan to build res & gar 51 SB on John, at its inter w/Albion. Res. 4399 1-25-~0