Roseville Heights Block 13 Card 2
ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS BLOCK 13 CARD 2.tif ROOEVILLE HEIGHTS Kl.y! Lots 13-16 N! Lots 13 thru 16 S! Lots 17-20 Lots 1-6 exc st. opening Block 13 Permit to Carl E. Copeland to constr res w/5 1 SB on Inez St, 15' SB req, & obs avge BB of bile on Albion, SEly cor Albion.& Inez CQ329 3-9-56 Permit to Carl E. & Glena B. Copeland to constr res w/30" eave over- hang (15" perm) 937 Albion St, R-1, cond'l. c-422 5-4-56 Permit to Reynolds & Jane N. Winters to constr addn to to obs 18" SB from John St where approx 15t req; eaves from John St. 905 Albion, R-1 C-1540 exist res, addn to obs O' SB 11-29-57 TABLE applic of Wm. D. & Helen C. Hargus & Evelyn L. Ferriera- to adj lot lines at 3524 Inez St, SW cor Inez & Gage Dr. C-5935 8-30-63 " " C-5935 reactivated; DENIED adjustment of lot lines betw Par 1 & Par 2 Parcel 1, Lots 1-3 & as per Certif of Survey of May, 1961, & as descr in Grant Deed from por Lot 4; Parcel 2, Ferreira to Hargus, dated 6-21-61, filed 12-4-61 (Doc. 209116) but por Lot 4, all Lots 5 & APPROVED new adj of lot lines so that dividing line will prov the 6 min req dist of 45" from edge of exist eave to PL & w/dividing line to be one straight li from Nly to Sly bndrs of Lot 4, cond'l. C-5935 2-26-64