Roseville Heights Block 1 Card 1
ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif.JI,,,...... ..-...-..... ROSEVILLE HEIGHTS.. Lots 20-22 '- Lots 16 & 17 " Lots 18-19 <:_ f.ots 4-5 'Lots 37-39 II n "- Lots 32-34.-.... ~.,. Block 1 Permit to Griffith Co. to erect 2 dws at Bangor & Valemont SE) R-1 Res. 6e605 12-6-38 Permit to Herbert W. Sharman, 1902 31st St., to erect res w/4 1 SY & 14 1 RY & 40~ co~ge, at Vliemont near Bangor. Res. 7156~ 6-11-40 Permit to H. W. Sharman to erect res & gar w/SY 4 1, RY 14', covge 40~. Res. 71565 grants 90 das. extens. from 6/26/40. R-1. Res. 71036 3-26-40 Permit to Griffith Co. by A. E. Kelly, to erect 2 sgle fam res facing Ullman St. Res. 72448 10-15-40 Permit to Robert,;& Marjorie M. Justice to erect sgle fam res, 10 1 RY, N side of Ullman St betw N-S alley & Bangor St. See below. Res.3891 5-24-49 Extens of 6 mos. to expiration date of Res. No. 3891 See below. Res. 4254 11-2-49 Permit to Betty E. Pritchett (Kent) to erect res, 12 1 RY, on Ullman betw Bangor & Akron Res. 4679 5-17-50