Roseville Block 74 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 74 CARD 1.tif ROSEVILLE Lot 9 Lots 5 & 6 II II " " " II " II " " Ot~S-S.-~S~ "- Card Permit to Glen O. Perkins to erect an'apt hse w/a 6 1 SB from Ingelow St on W. side of Ingelow, 100 1 N of Rosecrans. Res. No. 2513 9-24-47 Permit to Eugene & Gladys O'Neal to change name of exist 16-unit motor hotel to M::> tel, at 1510 Rosecrans Res. No, 8128 4-14-54 Also Res. of Prop Use for Eugene O'Neal Res. No. 8129 4-14-54 Cond'l Permit to Eugene & Gladys O'Neal to erect sign at Nly cor of Hugo & Rosecrans {sign to be 11v11 shaped, dble-faced, approx 9 1 x 6 1 6 11 ea panel, no por to proj beyond SB li or 1 dble-faced sign att to bldg at rt angles, not to proj out beyond eave TI & to be under eave) ONE sign only. Res. 8171 5-12-54 Cond'l Permit to above to erect roof sign, Nly cor of Hugo & Rosecrans. Res. 8171 AMENDED Res. No, 8195 5-20-54 Permission DENIED to Eugene & Gladys O'Neal to constr 11 V" shaped sign w/0' SB alg Rosecrans on Nly cor Hugo & Rosecrans Res. 8172 5-12-54 Res. 8195 AMENDED to permit same persons to remove roof sign & erect a sign on post, on SB 11, sign to extend max 4 1 311 in SB area, at Nly car Hugo & Rosecrans. Res No. 8511 10-13-54