Roseville Block 62 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 62 CARD 1.tif ROSEVILLE Lots 5-7 Lots 1 & 2 Card # 1 Permit to R. E. Vaeth for sport fishers & boating club, suspending,':.,,,_ R-4 Ord. (12380) Ft. of Garrison. For 5-yri. expires 11-2-36;Wi Res. 57485 ll-2-3F' Permit to Elizabeth Walton to constr 18' x 20' gar 45 1 back from frnt PL on Garrison St w/ a 2' SY at 1455-61 Rosecrans St. Res. 2325 6-19-47 Lots 7-thru 10 Cond'l perm to Travelodge Corp, to erect 25-unit hotel apt w/10' SB on wt 10, Hugo St near Rosecrans. Res. 5793 8-22-51 Lots 1 & 2 Permit DENIED to Wm. & Vella Korstad to install real estate office at 1455 Lots 7 thru 12,1f If Lot 5 " Rosecrans. Res. 6005 11-14-51 Permit DENIED Travelodge Corp. to 5102 N. Harbor Dr. APPEAL on Res. 8026 DENIED & Z.C. erect 40 sq ft sign on private prop, Res. 8026 2-3-54 dee. upheld cc 117096 3-16-54 Permit to Ralph I. Clark, owner, & D. E. & Fay F. Baker, lessee, to erect one 4 x 8 dble-faced pole sign, overall ht approx 17'; no por to extend over publi prop. at 2912 Garrison, R-4 C-1039 3-11-57 Permit to above to erect same sign w/pole to observe 5' SB, where 16 1 reQ; on Garrison St, no por to extent over public prop. Sarne address C-lo84 3-11-5