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Development Services

Roseville Block 59 Card 1

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 59 CARD 1.tif.ROSEVILLE All of Blk 59 " " " II " II Lots 1-12 Lots 3-19 Block 59 CARD #1..,h. Permit DENIED J. D. Wier, Marlin Inn, Inc. to erect 6'4" x 18 1 8" neonif sign at Marlin Inn, Sly side of Rosecrans betw Garrison & Fenelon Sts. Res 3276 7-14-48 Appeal by J. D. Wier to Res 3276 granted & ZC dee overruled, per~ erect 17' x 5'5" neon sign at Marlin Inn ~n the roof. Res 90450 8-3-48 Permit to J. D. Wier to oper barbershop off lobby in Hotel Marlin Inn, 2930 Fenelon, No ext. signs Res. 6293 3-19-52 Permit to Harold Green & H & M Sportfishers, Inc., lessees, & J.D. 1:sther Wier, owners, to constr a directinnal sign at cor of Rosecrans & Fenelon Sts, 2930 Fenelon St (cond'l) Res 8987 6-22-55 Permit to Marlin Inn, J. D. Wier, owner, to 76 units; also to add ing, NE Cor Rosecrans APPEAIBD Inc., lessee, Title Ins & Tr Co., trustee, for add approx 44 units to exist motor hote, totaling 3 lounge areas, w/parking, ~ign, pool & landscap- & F nelon, R-4. CUP 3091 ((-3of/) 3-30-60 C. C. 160497 /'l).5 <> <.., 1 I_,._) Perm to Pt Loma Inn, Inc. (formerly Marlin Inn, Inc.) to use parcel for parking lot in connec/"1/motel & restaurant in adj C Zone, parking lot ext to prop line, O' SB from Fenelon & Garrison Sts, R-4, cond'l. C-3536 9-2-60