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Development Services

Roseville Block 35

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 35.tif ROSEVILLE '-Lot 6- ~,,..- ' Block 35 z.A. consid. appl of MR. & MRS. EDWARD~. DaROSA to maint open patio struct obs 3' SB, where avge SB of blk of 12' is req, at 1256 Plum St. R-1 Zone; DENIED the req 3' SB but GRANTED perm to maint open patio struc w w/5,25' SB, Cond'l. C-5299 11-23-62,E 38 1 Lot 8- Permit DENIED to Mildred A. Neely to permit por of Lot 8 (3800 sq. ft.) to be considered as a separate legal.{> ldg site where contiguous Lot 7 is under same ownership, ~~~~-~~~-~~~e_ ~A5 ~(_ /-,).;J.-?