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Development Services

Roseville Block 26 Card 3

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 26 CARD 3.tif ROSEVILLE BLOCK 26 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Frank Crippin, Master-lesse & Arthur & Anna,Uice McMenomy, owners to operate an exist marine retail & wholesale store fur electronics parts; to maintain exist marine canvas shop; to maintain a retail store for the sale of marine engines & parts & t) 0perate a marine yacht & ship brokerage office where multiple units are perm, (See C-389 & C-6957) on the SW Cor of Shafter & Carleton Sts,, Zone R-4. Lot 1, Roseville Case 7147 0/1/65 Req of Frank E. Naso to constr 1-story comrcl bldg w/SWly 24 1 of bldg obs Resub #3 O' SB from Scott St proj over entire 101 req planting strip; C-lA. where 15 1 SB estab on map & 101 plant strip adj to sts are req; DENIED the 0 1 SB but APPRVED 2 1 911 SB on Scott St. C-5922 & 5923 8-30-63