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Roseville Block 26 Card 2

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 26 CARD 2.tif ROSEVILLE Lots 13 & 14- II " Lots 9-10, n fl Lots 13 & 14 Lots 23 & 24 Lots 13 & 14 Block 26 Ol{;.5 Card e lftd. AMENDMENT to Res. 9119, permitting office also to be used by yacht broker salesman, R-4, cond'l. C-389 4-2-56 l yrs. ext. to Res. 9119 & AMENDED by c-389. C-389-E 6-11-56 Permit DENIED to Fred N. Schwarz to constr coml bldg for sale of marine engines & boats, w/25' SB on Byron betw Scott & Shafter Sts. c-807 10-15-56 APPEAL of C-807 DENIED and dee of ZA sustained 12-3-56 Permit to W. J. DeConcini, owner, & Five-Star Fish & Cold Storage, lessee, to maint 4 liv units on 2nd fl of bldg & use lat fl for ship chandlery bus, 2801-0 Carleton St., R-4, condl. Permit to Frank E. Naso to constr coml bldg cover 50i of lot, prov 50i of lot used for parking, SE cor Scott & Carleton Sts., ~-4 (prop C-lA) cond: subd map be filed as req by CC C-4461 10-20-61 Permit to Arthur & Anna Alice McMenomy, owners, & Bert H. Reed (Quivira Marine) lessee, to operate a retail & wholesale store for marine engines & parts; open from 8 AM-5 PM Mond thru Fri w/a max of 2 employee, where multiple units are perm (c-389) at 2801 Carleton St, SW ror Shafter & Carleton Sta, Zone R-4. C-6957 2-18~65