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Development Services

Roseville Block 208

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 208.tif Lot 6 Permit to Bert Slater to erect addn w/12' RY, R-1, 724 Dover Ct. Res 63657 10-22-35 Lot 2 Permit to Robert M. Griffin to constr lathhse addn to gar & covered patio addn to res, new addns plus exist bldg to exceed 500 sq ft & 30' in length, w/0' SY & RY, 3336 Yonge St, R-1. a~.-.~L s-/,2 77 c-617 1-16-56 Lot I- Permit to Douglas L. & Marcia P. Younie to const a 9'x30' addn to exs sfd; addn to obs 12' rear yd at 2355 Plum Street. Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-14420. 7-14-77.