Roseville Block 189
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 189.tif ROOEVILLE wt7 wtB Lots 5 & 6 Lot 7 BLOCK 189 Permit to Charles A. Landers to erect addn to exist bldg, 2 1 SY, 11' RY R-1, 3205 Xenophon St. Res. 63877 1-14-36 Setback suspension/to Capt. R. W. Minter, to allow private gar, 6 1 back from PL (see Minutes/4/10/35) APPROVE~/request of DR. JON CUNNINGHAM to remove exist sgle fam resid & constr a two-story single fam dwelling obs a 4' rear yd opposite Whittier St, but obs. a 20 1 sideyd opposite Evergreen St where a 20' rear yd opposite Whittier St. is req; X~l at 3216 Whittier St, NW cor inter w/Evergreen St, Zone R-1-5. C-11015 1-31-72 Permit APPROVED by ZA to STANLEY C. AND DIXI I. LEDERMAN (FORMERLY D. TATE) to roof over and enclose existing stairway with a solid wall observing a 2 1 side yard where a 4' side yard is required, at 3205 Xenophon Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17021 12-5-80