Roseville Block 150 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 150 CARD 1.tif Lot 5 Lot 5 Lots 9 & 10............ ~. / \ CARD NJ Permit to Larry D. & Betty B. Maxwell, purch, & Thoa N. Fe.ulconer. owner, to erect retain wall to max ht of 5' above adj prop on frnt PL & side PL near frnt, Nly corn Plum & Quimby Sta. Res. 7832 10-28-53 Permit to Larry D. Maxwell to constr sgle fam res w/10' SB on Quimby St. Nly cor Quimby & Plum Res. 8023 2-3-54 Permit to Harold La.Fleur to constr sgle fam res w/0' SB on Russell St, S side, 150' W of Plum St. Res. 9044 7-20-55 Lot 3- Permit to A.L, & Mary Myrick to const 18 1 x 19' carport with deck on top thereof on lot with exist sin fam dwellp parking spaces to comply with min req; however, parking and carport to obs O' front yd wherel5' is req at 3424 Quimby St. betw Plum St. & Capistrano St., Zone R-1-5, C-9854 5-14-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of Lot 2- Permit was considered by ZA to ROGERIO A. AND OLIVIA S, SERPA to construct a 705 sq. ft,, two-story addition containing entry and family room to an existing single- fam i 1 y dwe 11 i ng; stairway to observe a O 1-811 front ya rd and addition to observe a 3 '-1 O" front yard where 15' is required (existing dwelling observes at closest point a 3 1-10" front yard), located at 3428 Quimby Street, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED the two-story addition beginning at the corner of the existing garage, proceeding on a line 45 from the front of the garage, as shown on plans labeled Exhibit "A". Conditions. C-17966 5-11-83 '",