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Development Services

Roseville Block 148

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 148.tif ROSEi/IL~ Lot 6 " " Lot 2 " " Block i48 ' ~:s ~} ~1 Permit to Wayne B. & t.rJ:rie ~- C~lburn to constr sgle fam re, 16~:RY (20' req) N car Quimby & Evergreen Sts, R-1 C-3666 10-28-60 Permto to above to constr rea obs 11 1 SB (averge 14 1 req.) c-3667 10-28-60 AMEND C-3666 to include 54.4~ coverage of lot 1-11-61 Perm DENIED to Lyle D, & Betty E. Wade to constr addn to bedrm & addn bath rm to rear of e5ist sgle fam res; addn to obs 12' RY where 20 1 RY is req at 3236 Quimby t betw Evergreen & Willow Sta, Zone R-1-5 APPEAL DENIED APPEAL TO CITY COUNCIL GRANTED C-7125 6-4-65 7-26-65 8-31-65