Roseville Block 137
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 137.tif '. '.., '':ROS'EVIttE Lots 19-12, NEt Lots 4,5,6, exc NE 30' " " w Block 137 11EJ ResiderxteSB 2' from PL{Quimby & Willow Sts, S cor. DENIED to Mr. Sizer, 9/5/35 (Minutes} Is', Permit to Wm. R. Coahran, owner, & James C. G Gladys Green, purch, to split out this parcel, N cor of Poe & Evergreen, R-1, & erect sgle fam res on cond that 15' SB is obs on both sts. Res. 7429 5-28-53 Permit to Wm R. Coahran, owner, & James C. & Gladys Green, purch. that above res be AMENDED to do above except cond changed that 4 1 SB on Poe St be obs, as estab by Ord 739 & 15' SB on Evergreen, as estab by Ord 740. Res. 7465 6-4-53