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Roseville Block 116 Card 1

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 116 CARD 1.tif ROSEi/ILLE Lots 9 thru 16 Lot 5 Por Lots 3 & 4 Permit to Betty Tate to maint 2 encl patios, 8 1 x 10 1 x 6 1 hi obs 7' SB on Newell St; & 2 barrel enclosures 4 1 x 6 1 x 4 1 hi, one obs 7 1 & one obs 4 1 SB on Newell St where the.avg~.SB of blk is 15'; 1780 Evergreen St betw Macaulay & Newell Sts. R-4. C-4662 1-11-62 Permit to Mr.~ Mrs. Robert M. Allan to erect sgle faro dw obs 10 1 RY where 20' req, 3200 blk Macauley St, NW cor inters w/Nimitz Blvd; R-1-5 (as planned this bldg will have a 10 1 RY but fireplace will have an 8 1 RY. C-~060 4-12-65 Permit to Maxine & John Oldham to constr sgle fam dw, pore of 10'- 12' frnt yd where 15' is req, & 4 1 RY where 20 1 is req; Nimitz Blvd betw McCauley & Newell Sts; R-1-5, as per revised file, C-9501 wh will obs 1700 blk of plans on 10-7-~9 Lot 8- Permit to David and Sandra Heller to maintain k3 '7" x 15' two-story bedroom and rec room addn to exist sin faro dwell; addn obs 11' rear yard where 20' is req, and a 3' interior side yard where 4' is req, at 3218 Macaulay St betw Nimitz Blvd and Evergreen St. Zone R-1-5, cond 'l. c-11569 10-20-72-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 7 (except for street opening)- Permit to Lynn Elizabeth Langtry to const a utility and dining room addn to an exs sfd; addn to: (I) res in 43% coverage; (3) to obs an 8 1 rear yard. 3222 Macaulay Street. Zone R-1-5. C-15312. 8-4-78.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------