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Development Services

Roseville Block 107 Card 2

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 107 CARD 2.tif ~OSEVILLE BLOCK 107 Lot 9- ZA DENIED request of ELEANOR ANDERSON HANSON, owner; MCDONALDS CORP., lessee, to install a aprking lot to be used by proposed restaurant at 3021 Macaulay St., Zone R-1000. WHEREAS, on 8/15/84, applicant appealed case & was heard by BZA over-turning the decision of the ZA to allow the parking lot, subj to conditions. CUP 18496 8/15/84------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------- Lots 7,8, & 9- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Conditional Use Pennit/Connnunity Plan Implementation Overlay Zone Permit to Cirrus Development Group, a private corporation, owner, and C.E. John Company, a private corporation, pennittee, to construct a 6,084 square foot savings and loan, located a~ 1740 Rosecrans Street between Macaulay Street and Nimitz Blvd., C-1 and R-3000 zones. CUP/CPIOZ Pennit #88-1004 \ \