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Development Services

Roseville Block 107 Card 1

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 107 CARD 1.tif RO.SEVILLE Lot 1 " Lots 5- 8 Lot 1 Lot 4 Lot 4 Lot 1 " II BLOCK iote Permit to Esther E. Bradberry Lowell St. (Contd 11) 1-yr EXTENSION to above. to operate real estate Res. 7047 Res. 8417 office in res., 3046 1 12-24-52 8-4-54 Permit to J.E. Brandt, Jr. ~dba Brandt Super Serv.) to move bldg on diff por of same lots at 1704 Rosecrans Res. H.M. 2074 2-10-55 1-yr EXTENSION to Res. 7047 & 8417 above, cond'l Res 8961 6-8-55 Perm ank F. & Ethel w. Volz to conv an exist gar into a contrac- tors' real estate or ins office w/parking perm; perm DENIED to constr new bldg to be used for above; NEly side of Lowell St, approx 100' NWly Rosecrans. Res 9000 6-22-55 Permit DENIED to above to constr bldg w/0' SY & RY, NBly side of Low~ll St, approx 100' NWly of Rosecrans RPS 9001 6-22-55 1-yr EXTENSION to Res 8961 II II II X.XXXX 2-yr. EXTENSION to C-526 C-526 " 6-13-56 ~-31-57 6-27-58