Rosemont Addn. Resub. To Encanto Heights Card 2
ROSEMONT ADDN. RESUB. TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 2.tif / ~,; ADril'..~r:~\~=,~~-Ell~ant~ l'eigh~s \ \?? l,,,---....... \... '- '.....),; ' Lot 83- Permit te City et. S.D. Ci:ril ht-.e & Edwin; & Peggy Meise to erect & oper a,;road. uV"Y&t\_ cer,e peat, en Scimitar,)et Broadway & Winnett Sts. ...,.. Res. No, 1057. 3-3-54 \ Wly 55 1 of s of.1.iot 4-t, Permit to W,J, T Jennie N. tiarnaw, owuer, & A. B.& Ruth Kennerly,pu~ to const 2 sing fam res on parcel split prior to 12-5-54, on.uroadway betw 63rd & 65th::3ts, B-2, that max. of 2 units be pe:mit on this parc,-,1. C,,s,. 3198 3-18-60-~t 26-Pe~it to-J_;iu; E.,;1;t;d-t;;ove-single taidly-r;;sfdence fram 2:J05J.fta S't:,-__ ~! ~.:___ ~____.::':1_ ~_____ ~______ fl Iii z s a titP!__ ~ot 43. ~ermit to L. G. & Ruth Maple,ot.t1, city of S.D.,purch to oonst & maintain a standpipe reservoir on Eider st betw Winnett St & Klauber Ave, R-2. O.U.P. Case 3936 3-29-61 Por of Lot 3- Permit DENIED to Walter & Jean M, Levandowski to const sin fam res on Scimitar Dr~ 200' Wly. of Brdwy Ave on NJ.y:blE side. Res#6076 l2-l2-51----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walter & Jean Levandowski (ABOVE) CC overruled Z.A. (Fur, mor land) on Res# 6076 cc-104909 1-2-52----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sly. 55 1 of Nly 70 1- Permit to R.A. & Eliz M, Richardson to const sin fam res, NW cor Eider & Kl.auber Sts. Res#6944 l0-29-52-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------