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Development Services

Rosedale Tract Card 4

ROSEDALE TRACT CARD 4.tif ROSEDALE TRACT CARD #4;.i. '.Jl:: Lots 27,37,38,46- Permit to Christiana Companies for a Planned Residential Development located south.of Tierrasanto Blvd., Zone R-1-40 17.,'i-f;.,v,,.tJ.... &'>;> j-,i. (5_o2'i7s) PRD #79 12-17-73-~F~--------------l------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lots 27 & 38- Planned Residential Development Permit to Home Business Dev. Co. to const & oper PRD located NE side Tirrasanta Blvd, east of La Cuenta._fdj_,_c;,_\.~-~~-{_::\_:-_6_:-_'J:O__ ~~~-~~~l.~-cJ_~~5~-~~-_?i.b-,.____ Lot 15- Permit to ~hristiana, Inc., own & A. R. Wylie Sign Co., lessee, to (I) erect & main for a period of 1 yr, one single-faced free-standing 3' x 5' overall ht 9', non-ilium subdiv directional sign advertising "Tierrasanta Highlands" located on Promesa Circle approx 1/2 mile to the east, (2) sign to obs a 01 SB on La Cruenta Dr where 25' is req. at the S/E corn of La Cuenta Dr & Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Zone R-1-40. CONDITIONAL c- 13,729 7-16-76 Por Lc{f"Y,;af~~l"1> or Lot D of Por Lot 70, Rancho Mission- Permit to the Christiana Compariies,- Inc. to const and operate a PRD north of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. betw Promesa Court and the easterly terminus of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. R-1-40 (proposed R-5) Zone. PRO #113. 2-8-78. '-----------------------------------------------------~t>-~-----------------------------------Por Lot 8- (See also Por Lot 73, Rancho Mission, andASection 28, Tl5S, R2W, SBBM)- Permit to the Christiana Companies, Inc. to const and operate a PRD located a easterly of Santo Road_...and northerly,,of Cl~iremont Mesa Blvd. R-1-40 (proposed R-2) Zone. PRO #104. 11-4-76.---~-1,'-64---~~------------------------------------------------------------------