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Development Services

Roberts Heights Card 1

ROBERTS HEIGHTS CARD 1.tif ROBERTS HEIGHTS ~\ Lot 1 and Lot 5, Altadena Heights- Permit to c. H. & Mary E. Milne, owner and San Diego Tabernacle, Inc., purch to constr church plant on parcel where sin fam dwell on lot or pare of land of record at time of zoning is perm at 3547 Altadena Ave., 700' north of Loris St. Zone R-1. Con'd. C-5953 9-30-63 Amendment- permit installation of the church parking lot on Lot 5, Altadena Hts is APPROVED but appl to erect a 5' hi chain link fence in the 15' SB on Altadena Ave. DENIED. cond '1. a,,,-Ju;d <..,,L, 1;;i.--,.1?,? 1, C-5953 9-15-72 Amended- 3-26-74 O,ww, J,cfi_-'f-1 5- 7 '7"' ~I(- /{)-:i--