Riviera Villas Block M
RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK M.tif Lot 11- Permit.to Robt. H. & Gloria L. 0versmith to const 4 1 to 61 grapestake fence on top of exist retaingin will varying from zero to 5 1 1n ht. 1026 Calaveras Dr. Case# 703 8-10-56 Lot 8- AGREEMENT to Victoria Nelson to constr 2-story hobby room and guest room addn with hobby sink in hobby room on lot with exist sin fam dwell. Zone R-l-8. Addition will never be rented, leased or therwise uses as a separate dwell unit and no second kitbnen will ev&r be installed. at 1036 calaveras Dr. A-1692 6-30-71-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wt 8- Permit to J. Page & IDuise H. Risque to constr an 8' x6" x 8' entry addn to exist sin fa.m dwell addn to obs 9'x6" front yrd wherell5' is req, at l.036 Cal.averas Dr. betwn Osprey St. and Ba.reel.one Dr. Zone R-1-8- Cond'l C-ll,950 5-24-73-----~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Agreement with Lynda and Michael Barbour to convert attached garage and construct addition to existing'single family dwelling. Garage converted to master bedroom with full bath and new addition includes bedroom and full bath. Both have exterior access and internal access through foyer from.main dwelling, located at 1119 Barcelona Drive, Rl-8000 zone. Agreement #4273 5-11-89