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Riviera Villas Block L Card 2

RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK L CARD 2.tif RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK L. ~ Card #2.\ 1.nt 13- Permit to Jack M. & Diane Stice.:ltg.._const kitchen and living-rOOlll addn to exist sing Jram res; dwell obs 271 SB, addn to DeS 20 16" SB where 321 SB is reqi, at 1039 Sorrento Dr., Zone R-1-5. Case Ho. 7792 ------------------Tot-i2-=-Robert J. and Catherine.E. Connell to const a sin fam res consisting to two stories AGREEMENT #893 16/10/56 Lot 15- Permit to Joe & Dorotby Pusl to const 10' a 19 carport addn to existing gar on. lot wi tn existing sin fam. dwell; carport addn to obs 1' front yd where 15' is req at 1025 Sorrento Dr., NE cor of Osprey St. & Sorrento Dr., Zone R-1-5. CLrw,~_J-2o:-Zs____________________________________ c-9343_____ 6-24-69________ Lot 7- Perm to Michael & Margaret E. Woolley to constr sgle fam resid, garage to obs 10 1 frnt setback on Sorrento Dr & 0 1 sldeyd, where 15' frnt setback and 4 1 Inter sideyd is req; Map #1929, on Barcelona br. betw Osprey & Novara Sts; Zone R-1-J. AMENDS resolution to Include constr of a ramp approx 4 1 hi in setback area along Barcelona Dr where 31 Is permit. AMEND. C-10999 (2-1-72)---7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 7- P.ermi't to Mkhael & Margar~t E. Woolley to constr single fam res Id, garage to observe 10' frnt setback on Sorrento Dr & 0 1 sldeyd where 15 1 frnt setback & 4 1 inter sideyd is req; on Barcelona Dr betw Osprey & Novara Sts, Zone R-1-5. C-10999 1-21-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------