Riviera Villas Block K Card 1
RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK K CARD 1.tif RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK g Lot 10- Permit to Mr. John C. Shows & Mr. Meyer Armstrong to const sins fam dwell obs. req SB from Sorrento Dr.m but with deck extending from front of dwell approx 10' above grade at rear to street grade & obs 8 1 SB where the average of the blk 28' ls req, at 1080, Sorrento Dr., Zone R-1 condl. Case No. 6195 1-3-64 Lot 12- Permit to I. & Mimi D. Kiraly to erect 5' high chain link fence along rear and side p. lines obs O' SB from Sorrento Dr. where max 2 1611 high fence is perm in average SB of the bloke of 28' at 1083 Novara St. 200' NE of Cornish Dr.m R-1 Zone, condl. Case No. 6355 3-11-64 Lot 13- Permit to Monroe & Iris Frandler to maintain 15' of block wall rang in ht from 4 1 to 61; wall to obs 0' front yard where max 3' hi wall is perm in 15' front yard, at 1060 Sorrento Dr betw Novara&. Osprey Sts, Zone R-1-5. Cond'I. C-11422 N.H. 8-1-72 Lot 10- Permit DENIED by A2A to JAMES S. AND BARBARA J. BROWN to construct 64 1 of wood dee~, / maximum 7' above grade with 70' of 3' high, 50% open wood fence on top, to observe an 11' front yard at the closest point where maximum 3' high fence or structure is permitted in the required 15 1 front yard, at 1080 Sorrento Drive, Zone R-1-5. C-17387 NH 9-9-81