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Riviera Villas Block F

RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK F.tif RIVIERA VILLAS BLOCK F,~ Lot I- Permit to John L. & Alyce L. Sullivan Jr. to maintain exist 8 1 x 20' storage shed attached to exist gar; gar obs 19' x 5' rearyd. addition obs 10' 611 rearyd at 1055 Tarento Dr. R-1 Zone Cond'I. AMEND TO ABOVE DELETE CONDITIONS I & 2 cond 3 to hold Case 4880 5-11-62----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 7- Permit to Tnomas B.]Hunt to constr 2-story 2 bijdroom, family room & batn addn to exist sin fam dwell witn bar sink and refrigerator in fam room of addn. at 1017 Santa Barbara St, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1682 5-11-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 17- Permit to Frank J. & Florinda N. Souza. to erect 66 1 of 5' hi retaining 1 wall with 41 hi solid fence adjacent to wall & 30' of 5' hi retaining wall with 5' hi solid fence adjacent to wall to obs at closest point a O' front yd where max 3' hi fence is perm in 15' front yd on Catalina St, at 1009 Santa Barbara St, Zone R-1-5. DENIED the req as submitted, but APPROVED 71' of 5' hi retainin1 wall with 41 hi solid fence adjacent to wall & 20 1 of retaining wall ranging in ht from 01 to 5' with 5' hi solid fence adjacent to wall as shown on Exhibit A, subject to CONDITIONS C-13,816 NH 8-6-76