Riverview # 1
RIVERVIEW # 1.tif RIVERVIEW #1 ~ (Jt,Ce't-S (Lot 28- Permit tWnristian Reformed Home Missions Committee, Inc. to use exist sin fam dwell as a cllurcb and Sunday Scbool classroom wllere sin fam dwell only are p erm;at 4110 Palm Ave betw Twining and Delcardo Ave. Zone R-1-5. Cond 'l. c-10898 12-1-11---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 28- Permit to Otay Mesa ColllDIUility Christian Reformed Church to construct church famility and provide 32 J;q> aces with landscaping as shown- or 49 spaces with minimum amount of landscaping, at 4ll0 PaJ.m Ave., betwn Twining and Delcardo Aves, Zone R-l-5- Cond1l. ll-5-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 131- Permit to Virgil & Vir.gtnia Vlzlna to maintain 15' of 41.1.611 hi solid block retaining wall obs O' front yd where max 3' hi wall is perm In req front yd at 655 Delcardo Ave/.' between Palm Ave. & Powderhorn Dr Zone R-1-5. C-12845 N.H. 10-11-74 Lot 12- AGREEMENT with DOROTEO AND ALICIA CALAS to construct an addiiton to existing single family dwelling to include 2 bedrooms, full bath with interior access via hallway and master bedroom suite with full bath. with interior and exterior access, located at 4130 Powder Horn Drive, Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT NO. A-4979 1/22/91 /00