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Development Services

Reynard Hills Card 4

REYNARD HILLS CARD 4.tif REY?lARD HILLS ~&rt1-\ CARD #4 \S:! Lot 112- Permit to Ben Van to erect 32" A1soni te wall ontop of exist cone blk wall.' 4' to ' hi me.x overa.11 ht 1811 in rr cor ~- Dove Res. 662-2- 2 Lot 13- Permit to Neil Nettlesbip to extnd cone blk wall to max ht of 5' ' abv sidewalk rade in SB area 268 Dove St. Res. 7063 12-24- 2 Lots 45 & por- Permited DENIED to Da.vi4 F. & Lois Ferris to erect duplex, in rr of 28 8 e St. Res. 1 1-1- Lots & 9- Permit to Armistead B. Carter to rediv into 2 bJ.dg sites & const sin fem res on ea, E side Eaas:Je, E of Reyna.rd Way Res, 7638 8-5-53 Lot 134- Permit DENIED to Leo L. & Roses. Levitt to enclose & roof exist porch with 5' SB. Z707 Dove St. Res, 7774 9-30-53 Lot 13li- Permit DENIED to Leo L, & Rose S, Levitt to enclose & roof exist purch with O' SY, 2707 Dove St, Res. No,- 0- Wl.y Por. Lots 5 &- Permit to David F, & Lois T Ferris to const sin ram res with 2' " SB. 28ll Reynard Way Res, No, 78TI 11-13-53 Lots 1 & 2 Permit to W. Geo Hubbdd to const bldg for ofc & display of caskets, the mezzanine for stor etc. cond' 1 at lllEl. cor Ma: le & State Res. No. 21-6- Lot 13- Conell permit to Neil & Eleanor NettJ.eship to const redwd fence on top of~ ret wall alng Arroyo Dr, 1 Overall ht a max of 7' 2689 Dove St. Case No. 671 8-6-56 All of Lot 60 & Wl.y por of 6l.- Condl appr to H. L. Hitchcock to const 2 sin ram res, makg ttl of 3 sin ram res on parcJ.. divided aftr zoning but prior to 12-5-54, on Reynard Wey bet ~e & ArroYO. R-1. Case No, llll 4-8-57 Lots TI & 144- Permi. t to Sol & Betty Winston & Chris L. & Dor. Montgomery to const 4-uni t apt. & pkg deck, deck to obs 5' SB, (15' req) W side of Curlew, aprox 150' N of MapJ.e St. Zone R-41 Conell Case, No. 2465 4-24-59