Rexview Estates # 1
REXVIEW ESTATES # 1.tif REXVlEW ESTATE~ #1 \ I I I Lot-23- Permit to BENJAMIN & CAROL WILSON to maintain existing concrete block wall 5 1 hi obs 0 1 setback where max 3 1 hi wall is perm in 12 1 estab setback at \ I reta I n1 \ 257 Rexview Dr. between Benson Ave. & Madrone Ave Zone R-1-5. C-11397 N.H. 7-28-72----r.-------,---------------------------------------- ----------------------------Lot ~5- Perm t to James L. & Hilda S. Taylor to maint 55 1 of 5 1 hi wall w/ornamental ~ron railing obs. 31 frnt yd, wh max 3 1 wall Is perm In req 15 1 frnt yd, at 314 Rexview-Dr betw Benson & Madrone Aves- Map #509, Zone R-1-5. C~_ ~-?.3 C-11740 N.H. 12-27-72------------'~------------------------------------------------------------------------------..