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Development Services

Redwood Village # 8 Card 3

REDWOOD VILLAGE # 8 CARD 3.tif REDWOOD VILLAGE NO. 8 \1 CARD #3 Lot 922- Permit was considered by AZA to GERRY J.J. AMENTA AND ANTOINETTE AMENTA to: (1) erect approximately 72 1 of 21-611 to 6 1-811 high retaining wall with 51 high, 50% open fence on top where maximum 3 1 high retaining wall with 3 1 high, 50% open fence on top Is permitted In the 15 1 establ!shed street side yard; (2) maintain approximately 82 1 of 8 1-311 h I gh retaining wa 11 with 3 1-4" high, 50% open fence on top, observing O I rear yard and 8 1 street side yard where maximum 6 1 high retaining wall is permitted in required 4 1 rear yard and established 15 1 street side yard, at 3779 Boren Street, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED; (1) erection of approximately 72 1 of 2 1-611 to 5 1-5" high retaining wall with 31 high, 50% open fence on top; (2) APPROVED. Conditions. C-17366-NH 8-27-81 Lot 1059- AGREEMENT to GEORGE R. AND SHERRY A. LEE to construct a second-story addition with a bath, at 3548 Gayle Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2755 3-3-82 ~ot 1009- Permit DENIED by ZA to DUANE CHEVALIER to/ for a Home Occupation Permit to continue t TV repair with one truck delivery per week where such activity is not permitted unless approved In accordance with Ordinance 11880 (New Serles) relating to home occupations, located at 3836 Demus Street, Zone R-1-5. H, O. #30994 9-2-83 +