Redlands Gardens Ext. Block H Card 2
REDLANDS GARDENS EXT. BLOCK H CARD 2.tif REDLAND GARDENS EXT. BLOCK H Card No. Lots l.-2- Permit to Luigi Greco & Rosa Greco Zaffuto, to const. patio trellis approx. 2l.' x23' 0' setback, 4740- 55th. Res. No. 3944 Lots l. & 2- Permit ext. 6 mo. to Luigi Greco & Rosa Greco Zaffuto to rediv into 2 par & const sing fam res on Spar, maintaing exist res on N par, at 4740 55th St. (cond'l.) (Ext. Res. 8l54) Res. No. 8365 11-9-55 N 651 Lots l., 2- Permit to Luigi Greco Zaffuto & Rosa Greco Zaffuto to const patio trellis with o' SB at 4740 55th St., R-1 Res. DNo. 9293 ll-9-55-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 28- Permit to Lloyd P. & Jane N. M. Jonnson to com t bedroom, fam rm, and bath addn to exist dwell which obs a 3' side yd, addn also to obs 3' side yd where 4 1 is req, at ~72 Adams Ave., Zone R-1-5, Cond'1 Case No. 8274 8-22-67-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 31- Agreement w/Francis P. & Jane M. Duffy to move on sin fam res & guest hse w/bar sink in guest house, 5488 Adams... Agreement No. 1517 l-2-68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 31- Permit to Francis P. & Jane M. Duffy to constr firep1ace add to exist sgl. fam res, add to obs 2 1 611 SY where 41 req, at 5488 Adams Ave betw 55th St. & 54th St., Zone R-1-5 Case No. 8599 NH 2-13-68