Redland Gardens Block C
REDLAND GARDENS BLOCK C.tif Lot 12 Permit to Mary E. Gemmell, 437 Kallnia St, to erect res w/ a SY of 5', Zone R-1. Res 64768 8-4-36 Lots 1 & 2 Permit to Winnifred M, Fuhrken to erect & oper 2 hses, ea to occupy grnd 66 1 x 150, Zone R-1 (Adams & 56th St.) Res 65892 5-4-37 Lot l, exc Sly 9 1 Permit DENIED to Charles H. & Winda E. Willlnan to div into 2 bldg sites & erect 2nd res, 4674 56th St. Res 5883 9-19-51 Lot 10 AGREEMENT #1277 to E. Robert Comer for det guest hse w/bath, 4615 55th St. 12-4-63 Lot 3 & Por. of Lot 2- ZA APPROVED request of VERNER. & CORINNE B. HUBKA to erect 70' of 10 1 hi chain link fencing around basketball court observing a 0 1 side & rear ud. and to maintain 2 pole-mounted, double lighting fixtures at 4656 56th St., Zone Rl-5000 with conds. C-19039 12/20/85----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------