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Randolph Terrace Card 1

RANDOLPH TERRACE CARD 1.tif RANDOLPH Tl:'.P.P.I\CE Card Lot 25 Randolph,St. Res. 65843 Apr. 2-Q 1937 Erect Residence & Garage rear yard 81 7; from Randolph St.' Permit to Basil Guthrie Lgt 12 Erect a Residence 5 1 from the P.L. on Randoft'> h St. Res. 65504 2-9-3~ Granted to Don T. Lords Lot 8., Erect a Residence 51 fil!Om Randolph St. Res. 72445 10-15-40 Granted to G'eor e Ro StevensoW Lot 24,. (Ord, 12321 suspended to allow residence 10 1 back on Randolph.St. Granted to D.E. Lewis '1366 State St. Res. 74731 July 29, 1941 Lot 14- Permit to Jacob & Blanche Weinberger to const sing fam res with 7 1 SB NELy cor of Circle named Randolph St. Res. 5740 10-J-51 Lot 14- Permit to Jacob Weinberger to canst 4 1 concrete blk wall beyond SB 4342 Ran- dolph St. Res. 6348 4-2-52 Lots 20-21 Permit to Jack & Muriel Coleman to construct sin fam res. with 7-ft.set- back on east side of Randolp~ St. Zone R-1 Res. 8420 8-18-54 Lot 10.. Permit to Harvey P. & Anne o.D. Groesbeck to conat detached gar 22' x 30' obs 2'3" SB (aver of blk 63") at 4324 Randolph st., R-1, arch. approval of final plans by Z.A. Cc2979 12-11-59 Lot 15- Permit to Albert E. & Gloria R. Copeland to conatr res & gar, res to obs all yd req, but garage to obs 10' front yd where 15' is req on 4300 blk Randolph St.', Zone R-1-5, condl- E-8550 2-26-68