Rancho San Carlos #2 Card 2
RANCHO SAN CARLOS #2 CARD 2.tif RANCHO SAN-OABLOS #2 1 / I ; I (I Lot 76- The z.A .considered the request of Stuart a.nd Margaret Needham a.nd does hereby AMEND said resolution (1) to constr approx 16' of 5' hi solid fence on top of exist 3'-4' high masonry ret wall, extending from a point approx 15' forward of rear corner of the dwell obs O' street side ya.rd (2) to constr 6 1 high solid fence extending at a 90 degree angle I from the wall a.nd fence to the dwell; (3) to constr 5' high solid fence extending at a 45 degree angle from the rear of the 71 high wall and fence to the rear prop line; (4) to constr 3' high solid fence above remainder of l' to 3' high exist masonry ret wall, with no portion of fence to rise more than 3' above street grade, obs O' street side yard where max 3' high open fence-. above max 3' high ret wall is perm in 10' street side ya.rd, at 8183 Royal Gorge Drive betw Mission Gorge Road and Califa Court. Zone R-1-5. C-lo622 N.H. 7-27-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 33- AGREEMENT to PAUL AND MAGGIE LORINGER to construct family room, hobby room, work shop and bedroom with bath, at 6749 El Banquero Place, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2742 1-14-82 Lot 27- ZA DENIED request of HENRY B & HORTENSIA C. DAVENPORT to constr. a 14 1811 x 14' extension to an existing bedro011D; extension to observe an 8 1 street side yd at closest 10 1 is reqd at 8143 Royal Gorge Drive, Zone Rl-5000. C-18685 1 /2/85