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Development Services

Rancho Mission Of San Dieo Lot 24 Card 1

RANCHO MISSION OF SAN DIEO LOT 24 CARD 1.tif A~~,~----.-s-----.----.-~.- RANCHO MISSION OF SAN DIEGO LOT 24 CARD #I Portion- Permit APPROVED by A2A to WAYNE CLARK to construct a 12 1 X 18 1 addition to an existing garage on a lot with an existing single-family dwelling. Existing garage ob- serves a 0 1 to 3 1 interior side yard on 42nd Street and the new addition will observe a 0 1 to 3 1 Interior side yard where 4 1 is required, located at 4724 Blona Drive, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-18064 6-17-83 Lot 24- ZA DENIED request of TERRY ERIC ABRAMS to 1) convert attic of existing SFD to living area & constr. new dormer; existing dwelling, attic & proposed dormer observe a 11611 interior side yd. where a 4 1 inte:rior side yd is reqd.; 2) constr 80 sq. ft., 2nd- story deck, stairway & lattice screen with a total height of 17 1 deck to observe a 11611 interior side yd. where a 4 1 interior side yd is reqd; & 3) constr. 103 sq. ft. of 4 1611 high decking observing a O' interior side & 0 1 rear yd. where a 4 1 interior side yd is reqd. at 4733 Vista St., Zoee $1-5000. C-18628 11/16/84