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Development Services

Rancho Mission Of San Diego Partition Map 1550

RANCHO MISSION OF SAN DIEGO PARTITION MAP 1550.tif RANCHO MISSION OF SAN DIEGO PARTITION (!? 1550 s') Portion of Lots 1 & 2- SIGN CODE ADMINISTRATOR APPROVED with conditions ~ I the variance sought by Mission Gorge Development Company, Owner; Draco Trucks & Equipment, Inc., Lessee, to (1) erect one 37 1/2 sq. ft., 18'0" high, ground sign advertising truck sales where use is nonconforming but existed prior to annexation and may remain as long as it is not enlarged (sign is enlarged); (2) sign to observe O'O" front yard where 25 1 0" is required, located at 7424 Mission Gorge Road, Al-10 zone. C-20089 12-2-88